NE-Sen: Draft Kleeb coverage in Huffington Post

The Huffington Post wrote a great editorial about Draft Kleeb:

We’re still waiting to hear if Scott Kleeb will jump into this race. Scott the candidate supported by the grassrootsin Nebraska. He surprised everyone by running an incredibly competitive race in the uber-conservative Third Congressional of Nebraska. Widely considered to be gunning for a rematch in the Third District, Senator Hagel’s retirement has fueled speculation that Kleeb will enter the Senate race instead. This speculation has reached a fever pitch as former Senator Bob Kerry and Omaha Mayor Mike Fahey took passes on the race.

So far, Kleeb has played coy about his plans, but grassroots activists are working to build early support for him. There is a facebook group. There is a website. There are blog posts. And more blog posts.

No matter where you are, if you are interested in standing up to people who are willing to sell out our party for their rich Republican friends, then please take part in pledging to Scott Kleeb. Here, you can pledge money or volunteering time. Every dollar you pledge sends a big message to Ben Nelson that our party is not for sell. Every moment you pledge stands up to the politics of selling out our values.

The current tally sits at:

39 people have pledged…

…999 hours (125+ working days)

…$10,535 ($270.13 per person)

It’s time for the heart of the Democratic Party, the grassroots, to step forward and back a real Democrat in this race.

Have you pledged yet?  It can make all the difference.